After visiting SEEC (Shirlington Employment and Education Center) I was left with some relief. Andrés really showed us a great example of how to live a life as a disciple of God. He spoke to us about how to he manages to be patient when faced with a difficult
situation. His work in reaching out to everyone, especially immigrants, from around the center is inspiring. The center reminded me of the mission of Spiritans: to serve others where no one else wants to serve. Despite the fact that some of the individuals
who seek the aid of the center can be a bit of a handful, he enjoys his job and was nothing but smiles.
Andrés gave me ideas about how I might try to help out immigrants elsewhere, such as providing them with an ID from SEEC or another organization they can reach out to. He reminded me that God loves ALL His children and doesn't ever discriminate. The center
was simple but enough for individuals to gather, grab a bite to eat, and support one another. It was great! :)
God bless,
Diana Belén Delgadillo
service is primarily in life/